Environmental Economics

Steven Dundas is an environmental and resource economist with a research and teaching focus on non-market valuation and coastal and marine ecosystem services. He joined the Applied Economics and Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station faculty at Oregon State University in 2015 and received his Ph.D. from North Carolina State University in Economics. Steve’s research work is motivated by aims to provide policy-relevant analysis to help understand the value of ecosystem services, the effects of climate change on economic outcomes, and the efficacy of environmental regulations. His research is published in peer-reviewed outlets such as the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Marine Resource Economics, and Conservation Letters and has been funded by multiple NOAA programs and Oregon Sea Grant.

Current research projects include:

  • Modeling private coastal adaptation behavior through shoreline armoring decisions
  • Understanding the housing market impacts of expected sea-level rise policy
  • Estimating the non-market value of threatened salmon populations and restored coastal wetlands
  • Integrating marine and coastal ecosystems into climate policy

For more information, please visit Steve’s website.

Steve currently advises graduate students in Applied Economics and the Marine Resource Management programs and mentors undergraduate students in the Environmental Economics and Policy major.


Steven Dundas

Steven J. Dundas

Phone: 541-737-1402
Associate Professor, Department of Applied Economics

Current Grants

Economic Benefits of Coastal Natural Infrastructure
2015 – 2020
Funded by NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science

Envisioning a Resilient Oregon Coast
2018 – 2021
Funded by Oregon Sea Grant

Optimizing the Ecosystem Services of US Pacific Northwest Coastal Beaches and Dunes
2019 – 2022
Funded by NOAA Ecological Effects of Sea-Level Rise program

Assessing Climate-Related Risk and Adaptation Options for Water Suppliers along the Oregon Coast
2019 – 2022
Funded by NOAA Coastal and Climate Applications program


The Instagram Effect: Is Social Media Influencing Visitation to Public Land? - Land Economics (2023)

The effects of a voluntary property buyout and acquisition program on coastal housing markets: Evidence from New York - Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2023)

The Importance of Data Structure and Nonlinearities in Estimating Climate Impacts on Outdoor Recreation - Natural Hazards (2021)

Hold the Line: Modeling Private Coastal Adaptation through Shoreline Armoring Decisions - Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2021)

Fall in the Sea, Eventually? A Green Paradox in Climate Adaptation for Coastal Housing Markets - Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2020)

Integrating oceans into climate policy: Any green new deal needs a splash of blue - Conservation Letters (2020)

Estimating Option Values and Spillover Damages for Coastal Protection: Evidence from Oregon's Planning Goal 18 - Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2020)

The Effects of Weather on Recreational Fishing Demand and Adaptation: Implications for a Changing Climate. - Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2020)

The Deep Sea and Me: Using a Science Center Exhibit to Promote Lasting Public Literacy and Elucidate Public Perception of the Deep SeaFrontiers in Marine Science (2020)

The non-market benefits of early and partial gains in managing threatened salmon. - PLoS ONE (2019)

Recreation Costs of Endangered Species Protection in Cape Hatteras National Seashore. - Marine Resource Economics (2017)

Benefits and ancillary costs of natural infrastructure: Evidence from the New Jersey Coast. - Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2017)

Steve's Google Scholar

In the News

Instagram isn’t causing overcrowding in Oregon parks as much as assumed, OSU study suggests - Oregon Public Broadcasting (2023)

OSU Study - No Big Social Media Effect At State Parks - KBND Bend (2023)

OSU study suggests Instagram isn’t causing overcrowding in Oregon parks as much as assumed - KLCC Eugene (2023)

Is Instagram making the outdoors more crowded? Not as much as you might suspect, study shows - KTVZ News (2023)

The ecological restoration project that exceeded expectations - Jefferson Public Radio (2022)

Dr. Steve Dundas on the Economics Governing Coastal Armoring Trends - American Shoreline Podcast Network (2021)

Neighbors influence coastal landowners’ decisions to armor shorelines against erosion, rising seas - ScienceBlog (2021)

This is how the oceans can be used to help fight climate change - World Economic Forum (2020)

Coastal risks and land use policy create economic tradeoffs for armoring the Oregon Coast - Phys.org (2020)

Climate change may make some days too darned hot to fish off the Southeast coast - Raleigh News and Observer/Charlotte Observer (2019)

Another casualty of climate change? Recreational fishing - Science Daily (2019)

Climate change is coming for fishing, too - Futurity.org (2019)

OSU Study: Saving endangered species brings big benefits - KTVZ.com Central Oregon (2019)

Oregon Study Shows How Increasing Abundance Of ESA-Listed Salmon Can Translate Into A Dollar Value, Deliver Economic Benefits - Columbia Basin Bulletin Fish & Wildlife News (2019)

Off-road vehicle restriction benefits outweigh costs for national seashore - Phys.org (2018)

Research at the Edge of the Pacific (2017)

Coastal infrastructure - North Carolina State University Center for Resource and Environmental Economic Policy (2017)