Former Students 2020-Present

W. Jason Beasley
Steven J. Dundas, Advisor

Ph.D., Applied Economics

Dissertation - Beaches, Wine, and Weed: Economic Implications of Land Use Changes in Oregon

Amila Hadziomerspahic
Steven J. Dundas, Advisor

M.S., Applied Economics

Project - Tsunami risk and information shocks: Evidence from the Oregon housing market

Ashley Lowe
Steven J. Dundas, Advisor

M.S., Applied Economics

Project - The Instagram Effect: Is social media changing our demand for public land?

Elizabeth M. J. Lee
Kathleen O'Malley, Advisor

M.S., Fisheries Science

Thesis - Big Fishery, Big Data, and Little Crabs: Using a Genomic Approach to Examine Larval Recruitment Patterns of Dungeness Crab (Cancer magister) in the California Current Ecosystem

Angelica Munguia
Jessica Miller, Advisor

M.S., Fisheries Science

Thesis - Feeding Ecology and Food Web Linkages of Yearling Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Migrating Through the Lower Columbia River and Estuary


Kenya Shani Bynes
Michael Banks, Advisor

M.S., Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences

Thesis - Influence of Oceanographic Conditions on Copepod (Calanus pacificus) Genetic Expression

Katherine Lasdin
Susanne Brander, Advisor

M.S., Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences

Thesis - Characterizing microplastic ingestion in Black Rockfish (Sebastes melanops) along the Oregon coast

Kevin Nelson
Christina DeWitt, Advisor

M.S., Food Science and Technology

Thesis - Determination of Total Nucleotides, Nitrogenous Bases and Degradation By-Products with Respect to Various Processing and Preservation Techniques for Alaska Pollack (Gadus chalcogrammus) and Yellowfin Sole (Limanada aspera)

Keala Pelekai
Jessica Miller, Advisor

M.S., Fisheries and Wildlife

Thesis - Evaluation of Pacific Lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus anatomical structures as records of age and isotopic histories

Stanley J. Piotrowski
Kathleen O'Malley, Advisor

M.S., Fisheries and Wildlife

Thesis - Characterizing Fine-Scale Neutral and Adaptive Genetic Diversity of Oncorhynchus mykiss in the Klamath Basin Before Dam Removal

Victoria Quennessen
Will White, Advisor

M.S., Fisheries and Wildlife

Thesis - Accounting for Transient Dynamics Improves use of Marine Protected Areas as a Reference Point for Fisheries Management

Andrew Teahan
Michael Banks, Advisor

M.S., Marine Resource Management

Thesis - Marine Heatwaves Influence Depth Preferences of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)

Anna Bolm
Susanne Brander and Jessica Miller, Advisors

M.S., Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences

Thesis - Identifying Environmentally Relevant Abundances and Characteristics of Internalized Microplastics in Northern California Current Zooplankton

Joseph Brockman
Brett Dumbauld and Jessica Miller, Advisors

M.S., Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences

Thesis - Relationship between Ascarophis Sp. (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae), Sturgeon Feeding Pit Density and Ghost Shrimp Burrowing Behavior

Lorne Curran
Michael Banks, Advisor

M.S., Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences

Thesis - Population Differentiation in two Northeastern Pacific Marine Species

John Dickens
Susanne Brander, Advisor

M.S., Marine Resource Management

Thesis - Of Mysid and Menidia: Sublethal Effects of Micro and Nanoplastics on Estuarine Indicator Species

Amila Hadziomerspahic
Steven Dundas, Advisor

Ph.D., Applied Economics

Dissertation - Valuing Coastal Risk with Revealed and Stated Preference Methods

David Kemp
Jung Kwon, Advisor

M.S., Food Science and Technology

Thesis - Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Potential of Alaska Pollock Milt and Roe Hydrolysates

Hyung Joo Kim
Jae Won Park and Christina DeWitt, Advisors

M.S., Food Science and Technology

Thesis - Application of Ohmic Heating for Accelerating Fish Sauce Fermentation

Rufa Mendez
Jung Kwon, Advisor

Ph.D., Food Science and Technology

Dissertation - Pacific Dulse: A Promising Macroalgal Resource for Functional Food Use

Duncan Pasewark
Christina DeWitt, Advisor

M.S., Food Science and Technology

Thesis - The Incorporation of Novel Water-Soluble Potato Protein Extract in Pacific whiting (Merluccius productus) Fillets Through Brine Injection Technology to Improve Quality

Graham Shaw
Steven Dundas, Advisor

M.S., Marine Resource Management

Thesis - Understanding the Economic Benefits of Tidal Wetlands Restoration

Sara Hutton
Susanne Brander, Advisor

Ph.D., Environmental and Molecular Toxicology

Dissertation - Comparative Aquatic Toxicology of Pesticides and Plastics Using the Model Estuarine Fish, Inland Silverside

Ashley Lowe Mackenzie
Steven Dundas, Advisor

Ph.D., Applied Economics

Dissertation - Understanding the New Outdoor Recreation Paradigm in the Era of Social Media and Increasing Public Health Advisories

Montana McLeod
Will White, Advisor

M.S., Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences

Thesis - Accounting for the Effects of Fish Detectability in Fishery-independent Surveys

Julianne Merrill
Brett Dumbauld, Advisor

M.S., Marine Resource Management

Thesis - Juvenile Pacific Oyster Growth and Food Resources in Eelgrass Habitats of Variable Shoot Density in Tillamook Bay, OR: Ecosystem Interactions for Management Consideration

Jennifer Van Brocklin
Susanne Brander, Advisor

M.S., Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences

Thesis - Hold the Plastic, Please - An Investigation of Sea Otter Exposure to Microplastics and Other Microparticles Using Scat and Diet Analysis

Geoffrey Walker
Kathleen O'Malley, Advisor

M.S., Fisheries Science

Thesis - A SNP Panel for Albacore Tuna (Thunnus alalunga) captures adaptive genetic differentiation among four sample areas in the Pacific Ocean

Austin Williams
Brett Dumbauld, Advisor

M.S., Marine Resource Management

Title - Diel and Tidal Patterns of Nekton Communities in Eelgrass and Shellfish Habitat in a Pacific Northwest Estuary