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Taylor Chapple

Assistant Professor
taylor.chapple [at]

Office: 541-867-0254

Hatfield Marine Science Center

Hatfield Marine Science Center East Wing 115

Hatfield Marine Science Center 2030 SE Marine Science Drive

Hatfield Marine Science Center
2030 SE Marine Science Drive
Newport, OR 97365

Research Areas: Sharks, marine predators, animal movements, biologging and energetics.

Over the past 15 years, Taylor has been studying sharks and other large marine predators around the world focused on their movements, behaviors and population dynamics. From South Africa to Australia to California, using state of the art technology, he electronically tags animals to gain insights into their lives when we aren’t there to observe them. At OSU, Taylor studies the sharks off our coasts and works with local communities to better understand sharks in Oregon. Relatively little is known about how White, Salmon and Sevengill sharks affect our coastal ecosystems, but Taylor and the BFL plan to change that.