Welcome to the Chapple Big Fish Lab

In the Chapple Big Fish Lab, we study sharks and other large marine predators around the world focusing on their movements, behaviors and population dynamics. From South Africa to Australia to California, using state-of-the-art technology and techniques, we sample and electronically tag animals to gain insights into their lives when we aren’t there to observe them. In Oregon, we leverage partnerships with industry, management, science and local communities to study the sharks off our coasts to better understand the roles these animals play in our marine ecosystems and economies. Relatively little is known about how sharks affect our coastal ecosystems and communities in the Pacific Northwest, but here in the Chapple Big Fish Lab, we are changing that.

Did you know?

The Pacific Northwest is home to at least 15 species of sharks?!  They range in size from the Brown Catshark (~2.2 ft or 65cm) to the Basking shark (>30 ft or 10m), with lots of sharks in between. To learn more about the sharks of the PNW visit our Sharks of Oregon page and explore the different species off our coast.




Shark Sighting in Oregon or Washington?

Tell us all about it on our Shark Sighting page to help us better understand when and where sharks are along the PNW coasts.

Make a Report

Chapple Big Fish Lab DEI Statement

In the Chapple Big Fish Lab we acknowledge there are systemic barriers and inequality in STEM fields- especially in shark science- and are committed to increasing representation of historically underrepresented groups in science. We are committed to inclusivity and strive to make access to research, opportunity and experience more equitable. We value diverse thought, experience, preferences and skills and feel we are stronger and more powerful as an inclusive community. We also acknowledge that we still do not fully understand the impact of historic and systematic inequality and as a lab we continue to actively evolve and work to fully represent the diversity of the broader global community.

As a largely field-based lab, we appreciate that field work can be intimidating and unwelcoming and we strive to create safe and accessible work space for all. We also participate in the FieldSafe program at OSU, to ensure that field work is safe to people of all identities.

Our Specific Actions

  • We acknowledge the diverse cultural context of our work and integrate various types of knowledge and value in our interpretations and presentations
  • We strive to offer opportunities to recruit and mentor students from diverse backgrounds and experiences. 
  • We use science communication to make science and research more accessible to people of all abilities Learn more about our ORSEA and OCEANTRACKS curriculum.

Who are we?

Biologging tags, like this orange one here, can provide insights into shark physiology, movements and behaviors.

You can also see our team of scientists and students on our People page.

What do we do?

Tagging manta rays to study movements and behaviors

Want to know more about the research that we do in the BFL? If so, check out our Research page or follow us on Social Media.


In the News

Basking Shark

Using a monitoring gadget akin to a FitBit, paired with a camera, researchers gathered data that gave them a rare chance to understand how collisions with vessels affect massive sea creatures. These accidents are becoming a bigger issue...

Shark swimming underwater. Photo: Vlad Siryk

“It’s more often than not a shark is going to see you than you are going to see the shark. I’m sure this fisherman has had a shark around them before,” said Oregon State University professor Taylor Chapple.

White Shark. Photo: Discover Wildlife

Taylor Chapple, an assistant professor at Oregon State University and white shark expert, explains how the diet of these animals – which probably comprises tuna and small fish – is also very different from that of other white sharks around the...

Lisa Hillier of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife with a broadnose sevengill shark. Credit: Jessica Schulte

Researchers at Oregon State University have made the first scientific confirmation of two distinct shark species in Puget Sound, including one that is critically endangered. The discovery of the broadnose sevengill shark and endangered soupfin...

Salmon Shark

“Historically they were called salmon sharks because they were seen at the river mouths up in Alaska eating salmon," Alexandra McInturf, a researcher with Oregon State University, said.

Did you know...

Salmon shark populations are currently stable according to the IUCN Redlist.

(IUCN Redlist)

basking shark. *photo credit Sorcha Daly

Basking sharks were historically heavily fished in Ireland for the oil in their livers, which was used to light city streets before the advent of electricity

(Went & Súilleabháin, 1966)

Shark teeth

Sharks have not just one row of teeth, but several. They constantly lose and replace these teeth and it has been proposed that frequency of tooth replacement is due to stress and wear on the tooth, not tooth failure.

(Whitenack et al., 2011)