General Donations
How you can support science in the Chapple Big Fish Lab
While fascination with sharks draws incredible interest in our research from around the globe, generating funding to support the research is much more challenging. At the Big Fish Lab, we conduct cutting-edge science and work with schools, communities and stakeholders to promote shark-based education. You can help support all of these efforts by donating directly to the BFL today!
Your donation to our research program will go directly to fund projects supporting conservation and management of charismatic species. This is a great way to have a direct impact on studying, assessing, and conserving these beautiful animals. In addition, these funds are used to help support undergraduate and graduate student hands on research experiences which helps to train the next generation of marine scientists.
Specific Donations
Pop-up Satellite Archival Tag
The Pop-up Satellite Archival Tag (or PSAT): $3,000
The Pop-up Satellite Archival Tag (or PSAT) are tags that are programmed to collect depth, water temperature, and geolocation data for up to a year when attached to a shark or other charismatic marine animal. After data collection is complete, these tags detach from the shark, float to the surface and transmits data to the Argos satellite system where we then collect the data. The use of these tags helps us understand and promote better capture and handling techniques in fisheries that incidentally capture sharks as well as learning how climate change may be influencing critical habitats.
To donate a PSAT tag, under comments, note that this is for the Chapple Lab PSAT tag
Finmount Satellite Tag
Finmount Tags $1,200:
Finmount tags allow the ability to track or follow sharks in real time as they navigate the worlds oceans. These tags are equipped with a wet dry sensor that when the shark is under water places the tag in stand by mode. When the dorsal fin breaks the water surface, the wet dry sensor turns the tag into transmit mode and a signal is transmitted to passing satellites. These tags are detectable over broad geographic areas and allows these shark movements to be tracked by anyone at any time.
To donate a Finmount tag, under comments, note that this is for the Chapple Lab Finmount tag
Acoustic Tags and Acoustic Receivers
Acoustic Tags $400:
Acoustic Receiver $1,500:
Deployment of Acoustic Tags are critical to our research. This system consists of an individually-coded ultrasonic transmitter (the tag) that is attached to the shark or other animal we are tracking. When the animal comes within a 1000 meters of a stationary acoustic receiver the individual tag information (date and time) detected and stored on the receiver. We then download this data (typically four times a year) and analyze the data for tagged individuals. With each animal getting a unique code and sequence, the data allows us to determine exactly what tagged animal was present and what location it was detected. The tags can last up to 10 years and provide critical value as to when sharks visit certain areas, what species they are and how often.
To donate an acoustic receiver and or acoustic tag, under comments, note that this is for the Chapple Lab acoustic receiver and or acoustic tag.